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Welcome to Theby Space Services

Pioneering the Future

Welcome to Theby Space Services (TSS), the first Black-Owned Rocket Company in the world. At TSS, we are dedicated to innovating in space transportation and exploration, with a mission to benefit all of humankind. Our journey is fueled by a commitment to excellence, inclusion, and the boundless potential of space to inspire and transform.

Our Mission

Our mission is clear: to contribute significantly to space transportation and exploration. We aim to make space accessible and beneficial for everyone, breaking new ground in technology and opportunities. At TSS, we are not just launching rockets; we are launching new possibilities for people around the world.

Inspiring Generations

TSS is strongly dedicated to inspiring current and future generations in the Black community. We believe in the power of representation and the significance of offering role models in cutting-edge fields. By seeing themselves reflected in all aspects of our operations from the lab to the launch pad young people can aspire to great heights, knowing that space belongs to everyone.

Join Us on Our Journey

As we reach for the stars, we invite you to join us. Whether you are a budding scientist, a potential partner, or someone who dreams of the stars, TSS offers a place for you. Together, we can explore new horizons and build a future where space exploration is a shared adventure, enriching and uniting people across the globe.

Discover more about our projects, join our community, and support our mission as we propel humanity to new frontiers.

Theby Space Services, Because Space Is for Everyone.